Public Sentiment Analysis

Leverage advanced analytics to gain insights into public sentiment and opinion.
Empty meeting seats

Uncover actionable insights from public sentiment.

Understanding public sentiment and opinion is crucial for government agencies and organisations in the public sector. We leverage advanced analytics and natural language processing to analyse social media data and other sources, helping you gain valuable insights to inform decision-making.
Our team of experts applies state-of-the-art techniques to track and analyse public sentiment, allowing you to monitor trends, identify emerging issues, and measure public response to policies and initiatives.
What we do

Our Public Sentiment Analysis Capabilities

Harness the power of advanced analytics to analyse public sentiment and opinion.

Sentiment Analysis

Analyse public sentiment and opinion to understand public perception and attitudes.

Social Media Monitoring

Track and analyse social media data to uncover insights and trends.

Opinion Mining

Extract opinions, emotions, and key themes from text data to identify patterns and sentiments.

Reputation Management

Monitor and manage your organisation’s online reputation based on public sentiment.

Insightful Reporting

Generate comprehensive reports and visualizations to communicate key findings.

Audience Segmentation

Segment the public audience based on sentiment, demographics, and behaviour.

Why Us

Why Gov X for Public Sentiment Analysis

To deliver governmental solutions of the highest quality, we follow the best practices that include comprehensive policy analysis, legal compliance, data privacy, and continuous innovation.


Learn how we deliver effective, value-driven technological innovations for leading enterprises.

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Partnering with Gov X

Gov X partners with enterprise clients to create solutions to the toughest software problems. Focusing on JavaScript as our core technology, we utilize React, React Native, NodeJS, GraphQL, and the extended JavaScript ecosystem to build web apps, mobile apps, cloud services, open source software, and more. Our approach is tailored to each product, so we will always work with your team to select the technologies best suited to your needs. We excel in web, mobile and cloud platform development and can apply our expertise to your product, no matter where it is in the product lifecycle.

What we do

Bridging the Gap in Public Sector Digitalization

Gov X bridges the public sector digitalization gap, empowering governments with transformative solutions to modernize operations, streamline processes, and enhance public services.

Partner with us to unleash your full potential and achieve digital excellence through our technology consulting services and expertise in enterprise software development.

Transform and automate complex processes by leveraging AI technologies to drive efficiency, accuracy, and cost savings for your organisation.

Uncover actionable insights and make data-driven decisions that optimize operations, enhance citizen services, and drive meaningful impact.

Transform Public Sectors with AI-Driven Innovation by Gov X.